Well done on completing the work, tasks and videos on the Oakes Future page. This really shows your commitment to the course and we are excited to be working with you more in September. This next page will be updated with different tasks to help develop your skills further. It gives you the opportunity to delve into content from the course and get you ready to start in the new term. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions but use this page to strengthen your knowledge and interest in Film.

Your task is to create an illustrated guide to camerawork.

You can do this as a word document

eg make a little booklet. Take a photo. Label it. Explain the typical way this shot might be used –

Example: Establishing shot. This gives the viewer a clear sense of where a film story is set.

Or Close up. This is often used to show a character’s feelings.


Alternatively, you could make a short film with a commentary (eg “This is a long shot of my annoying little brother; now I’m zooming in to a close up of his face so you can see his expression – that devious look which shows he’s plotting mischief… Now I’m using a point of view shot to show what he has noticed on the table: an extreme close up will show an extreme close up of a bottle saying ‘Itching powder’”) You can make it as serious or jokey as you want, but do IDENTIFY all the camera techniques you use.




I find it helpful to learn the terms in groups – those realted to DISTANCE – how close or far the camera is from the subject. MOVEMENT – when and why the camera moves; whether it moves along the ground or in the air, or moves while being fixed to a tripod. ANGLES – when the camera looks up, down, or wonky! Then there are a few ODDS and ENDS.



Extreme close-up


Mid Shot

Long Shot

Extreme Long Shot

Establishing Shot





Tracking shot

Dolly shot

Hand held camerawork



Focus Pull


High angle shot

Low angle shot

Canted angle/Dutch tilt

Aeriel shot

Wide angle shot



Two shot

Point of view shot

You have now named, defined and made examples of lots of camera terms – well done. The next step is to grow confident at identifying them.

1.Play a game of camera-bingo!

Ideally, you will rope in family members to do this with you.

  • Make a 3×3 grid, with one camera term in each box (so 9 in all.)
  • Make sure you choose a range from your different camera categories, Distance, Angles, Movement, Odds and Ends.
  • If you’re playing against someone else, then have different grids with some different shots.
  • Watch the start of a film. As you spot a shot from your grid, tick it off.
  • When you have 3 in a row, shout “Bingo!” and give yourself some chocolate!

2.Then choose a film that you like.

  • Watch the opening 2 or 3 minutes several times.
  • Make notes in 3 columns:

A. IDENTIFY each camera shot

B. DESCRIBE what we see on the screen

C. EXPLAIN what that tells the spectator

Turn your writing into an ESSAY,  “An Exploration of Camerawork in the Opening Sequence of…”


Talk us through your sequence, IDENTIFYING, DESCRIBING, and EXPLAINING the camera work, what it shows us, and how that introduces us to a story.



Here are some examples and sentence scaffolding to help you get started.

The film opens with an establishing shot of a flat, empty landscape. The camera pans slowly from left to right. There are no people or houses. We are given a sense of isolation.


Next the director uses a ……… shot of ……… This tells us……

It is followed by a …………. shot of……….. . This creates the impression that….

Next we are shown a ……… shot of……….. This gives us a sense of…..

After this, a …………shot reveals…………I thought…..

Concentrate on IDENTIFYING and DESCRIBING one thing after the other. At this stage, don’t worry too much about EXPLAINING. Good luck!

New Report


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